Fishing Warriors is a veteran and vet-connected group. which consist of all veterans, spouses, daughters, and sons. Once a month we head out to the waters to enjoy nature and bonding through fishing activities at lakes, oceans, and piers

Fishing requires lots of focus and awareness. This takes your mind off internal conflict and stress, similar to meditation. As a result, it helps to reduce anxiety, fight off depression, and promote relaxation. Studies show that fishing lowers your cortisol levels, otherwise known as the stress hormone.

Here are just some of the benefits of therapy fishing:

• It encourages independent thinking and behavior in a low-risk environment.

• It creates an opportunity to take a break from daily stress.

• It gives people a chance to learn a new skill or improve on their skills, which can build confidence.

• Catching fish (even if only to release them) creates a sense of accomplishment.

• Regular fishing opportunities give people a chance to look forward to something pleasurable.

• Great satisfaction can come from catching a beautiful fish to bring home and prepare for loved ones.

• Therapy fishing is still recreational fishing, typically done in small groups, offering chances for people to socialize, laugh, chat and spend time together in a low-key, casual environment.

• It’s meditative, allowing us the opportunity to practice quietude, the art of “being in the moment,” making fishing a mindful, holistic activity.

• It’s a legitimate form of mild fitness that can only take place outside, a double benefit!.

Fishing Warrior Registration

Fishing Warrior Registration

Do you have fishing equipment?
Do you have a fishing license?
What type of fishing are you interested in?
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